Always scanning the radar for a new business opportunity? Pay attention to a certain blip growing on your screen. It’s not just bigger than a house – it’s the size of a metropolis. I’ve been profiting from the vacation rental boom myself already with geographically targeted directories. In my upcoming free webinar, you can learn how to efficiently start your own vacation rental business and claim your own vacation rental territory.
Stop! 5 Facebook Practices That Drive Your Friends Crazy

Social media is pretty much here to stay. We can all agree on that much. It also appears that Facebook is where you can find almost all of your friends any time of the day. You probably use it to connect with colleagues as well as that best friend from kindergarten that you never thought about until Facebook magically made it possible to keep in touch with everyone who ever waved at you. Avoid the following five habits to ensure that those people stay your friends beyond the first day they accept your friend...
Read more 22 If You Build It They Will Come – Only If You Run Your Website the Right Way

Guys, imagine not having to pick out a tie or shave before you go to work. And ladies, wouldn't it be nice not having to apply makeup in the rear view mirror during rush hour?
Those can be just some of the mundane perks of having an online business; you can start work in the morning wearing pajamas if you feel like it. But there are more substantial rewards: the freedom to set your own work schedule, the self-satisfaction of starting a successful venture, the power to choose your own projects and not have...
Read more 8 Protect Your Child From Online Dangers with My Ebook

As a web developer, I know the power of the Internet. As a parent, I know its pitfalls. Wearing both hats, I have published my ebook, "100 Ways to Keep Your Children Safe Online: The Guide for Parenting in a Digital World."
The book has allowed me to share my expertise as an Internet consultant and as a father of two boys, a 6-year-old and a 4-year-old, to help other parents protect their children from nefarious computer users who may be using the Internet to harm or exploit children.
My company
I’m Proud to Be a Winner of the Very First Flippie Awards

Hard work brings its own reward through self-satisfaction. So when your hard work is recognized by others, especially industry peers, accolades are just icing on the cake.
That's how I felt upon learning that one of my websites -- -- won a first annual Flippie Award for best monetization. The award was presented by, the No. 1 marketplace for buying and selling websites.
I am one of the most successful sellers on Flippa with more than $300,000 in sales during the last six months. My family, friends...
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